Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 167 - goodbye dapi

Dapi (dah-pee) is what our girls have always said instead of binkie or pacifier.  Calista started it when she was a baby and it stuck.   Neither Calista nor Caroline used the pacifier much after they turned 2 or 2 1/2 but with Courtney and Claire it's been a different story.  They are the babies to me so I just let it go too long.  I also think I was avoiding the whole ordeal - crying for them etc.  I actually tried twice but felt so completely sorry for them when they cried that I gave in.  I know, horrible!  So this time we set a date and told them they had 2 more times to sleep with their dapies.  They said they wanted to have one big and one little nap and then they would put them in a box.  Today was the day!

After nap they put their dapies in a pretty box to send to the babies in Shonto, Arizona.  Many of our friends from church were going on a missions trip to Shonto so that's where that idea came from.  We were actually having dinner tonight with some friends, the Lewis', and three of them were going so it worked out perfectly.  Courtney gave the little box to Miss Shannon (one of the daughters) and asked her to take the dapies to the babies.  That was the easy part.

The night was tough and Courtney cried the most.  "I don't want to give the babies my dapi!"  It broke my heart and I almost buckled.


Helen Lewis said...

Oh no! How are they doing now? Or how did you fare? :) It's good that dapi is still somewhere near.

Susana said...

I hope you've all lived through this now and are all adjusted:-). I remember it SO well with Hanna. She was, ahem, four--can you believe that?! She called hers "mimi's and bobbies". I still have them in a bag in my dresser drawer:-). My boys have never used pacifiers, didn't really seem to even need them and I am pretty glad.

I so love seeing all the pics you post with the sweet memories you record to go along with them.