Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 106 - family night at co-op

We attended Family Night this evening for our our last day of our homeschool co-op.  It's been a great year and the girls have enjoyed their classes.  Caroline classes were Exploring God's World in Science and a Literature Fun class with me.  Calista took Doodle Art and Mechowlah Tap.  The twins had Hide 'em in Your Heart class and Learn & Play.  During one of their classes I had a Mom's Time in which we spent the semester watching Ted Tripp's Instructing A Child's Heart. It was an excellent and extremely valuable DVD series and I'm certain the book would be just as good.
Some of the classes performed and others had display tables.  Calista's Tap class performed to a song from the Annie musical and it was adorable.  I sat on the wrong side of the room so my pictures didn't turn out very well.  I have to include one because she looked so cute and did so well.   I was so proud of her and had to contain myself a little.  :)
We've really being a part of the co-op this year.  We made some special friends and had some new learning opportunities.  We will most likely be returning next year.  


Shannon said...

Sounds very similar to our co-op and we loved it,also. Can't wait to see what the classes will be for next year. I would not want to use co-op as a big part of our school,, but I love that my kids get to see that other people are like them and homeschool.

Lisa said...

The co-op we attend sounds similar too. And like Shannon, it does not replace any of our curriculum, but it great for the kids. Knowing that there are so many other homeschooled kids makes it normal for them. They really don't think of themselves as odd or singled out, even among the public schooled kids in the neighborhood. Homeschooling is great! And co-op is a bonus.