Thursday, May 12, 2011

piano recital

 Calista and Caroline had their piano recital this week.  They were so excited to perform and did beautifully.
 They have been so dedicated in their lessons and practice this year and I credit their teacher with a lot of it.  They adore her and really enjoy learning from her.  She has such a loving and gentle teaching style.
The girls will continue with piano throughout the summer.  We'll just go every other week instead to lighten it up a bit.  The twins love going to piano lessons because it's their time to work on their favorite "waiting" sticker books.


Bridgett said...

So cute! How fun!

Isabel said...

Thanks :) I loved reading your curriculum line-up for next year. I've never seen the Learning to Get Along series. I'm going to look into that too.

us said...

HI Isabel! Love your blog and your family. Such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your ministry!
Is this piano teacher nearby? I've been thinking of getting Elli started... Thanks!

Lisa said...

Music is a wonderul thing. Up until recently, Emily has always turned her nose up at piano lessons (or any other music lessons). After seeing/hearing a friend play the piano, she now wants to learn how to play. I'm doing what I can with her until we find a teacher. I'd like her to take summer piano lessons to start. Every other week would be great.