Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 129 - mother's day

I woke up to Calista decorating my bedroom at 5:15 in the morning.  She was seriously half asleep but was so excited with her Mother's Day plans that she thought it was morning already.  Ken carried her back to bed and luckily she slept a bit more.  :)  I adored the sweet, handmade cards and the little paper gifts.  They wanted to make the day so special for me and it truly was.

These precious girls are such a blessing and a gift to me.  Sometimes I just look at them and can't believe that God gave us these girls to raise.   It's hard sometimes and I know I make mistakes.  I absolutely know that I can't be a good mommy, the mommy they need, without God.  I take so much comfort in knowing that He fills in the gaps and guides me when I'm losing sight of what's most important.   I am so grateful to God for these sweet blessings and feel honored that He chose me to be their mommy.


Wendi said...

We as mothers are so truly blessed, I thank God every day that he has given me these two wonderful children to raise.

Thank you for the link to a holy experience website. What a treasure. I cannot wait to have more time to delve into it.

Blessings to you and your family. Thank you for your wonderful blog, it too is a treasure.

Susana said...

This is a sweet picture and very sweet post. I so agree with all you said and know exactly how you feel!