Saturday, February 21, 2015

this isn't happening...

When she told me to close the window I knew the day had come.  But this early?  So the twins went out back to play as soon as we got home from CC.  I heard them talking, a lot,  and figured it was about the day.  Funny because on the drive home they are usually so chatty and when I asked about the day they both replied with a short "good".  I found it strange then.  So when I was opening windows and Claire told me to close the one to the backyard I knew they didn't want me to hear what they were saying.  I could hear that it was about Ella, her attention to Logan and his to her.  They were speaking in such adult-like voices about what to say to her when she was downcast because he wasn't playing with her.  Overall just seems that everyone wants to play with Logan and it's gone to his head.  The bummer is that the twins are getting caught up in this teeny bopper drama.  Not good.  Luckily they each played with others today.. Clara and Hope.  I  know they felt left out even though from what I understood Logan wasn't nice to them at all.

The biggest thing here for me was that they wanted to talk about it without me.  I wondered if they thought I would get mad or what?  I did finally go outside and slowly the whole story came out.  I encouraged them to play with friends who are always friends (not mad one day and mean the next).  I also made sure to just stay really neutral so they would know they could talk to me :) Such cuties!

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