Monday, July 12, 2010

Our 2010-2011 Curriculum

I love the curriculum planning process but have been making myself wait this summer.  I started this big de-cluttering project so that had to come first.  Planning was my reward!  I've been staying up late and getting up early just to pore over the curriculum and make some final decisions.   So here is our 2010-2011 curriculum line-up!

We had a rich and memorable year with My Father's World Adventures and Kindergarten curriculum last year.  We are now entering into the 5 year cycle,  starting with year 1,  Exploring Countries and Cultures.

We'll be studying different countries and cultures while learning geography and true stories of missionaries.  
In Bible we'll be reading true stories of Godly men and women who served as missionaries.  We will be doing our weekly memory verses and daily reading from the book of Matthew.  We will also be learning about different ethnic groups and their prayer needs. 

We will be exploring Geography with a variety of maps and globes (still need to find a globe!), games and other hands-on activities.  

In Science our learning will be on different habitats (desert, rain forest, grasslands, forest, polar region, etc).  These studies will correlate with the country being studied ( ie. rain forest while studying Brazil).  This also includes weekly nature walks and a nature journal.  I am not naturally a nature person so I'm looking forward to doing this with the girls.  

In Reading there is an excellent list of living books for each country we study as well as the included read alouds.

In Music and Art we will use Global Art and We Sing Around the World.   We are also adding Hymns for a Kid's Heart which I'm planning as part of our morning routine.

Language -  Spell to Write and Read (1st and 4th)  This program covers spelling, reading, language, phonics, penmanship, literature, composition, grammar and vocabulary.   I love this program and will finally be able to attend the training in September.  It takes some learning to get it off the ground but it is so worthwhile.  I use it for all four girls at their different levels.

Intermediate Language Lessons (4th grade)  We used Primary Language Lesson last year and it worked well for Calista.

Writing - Writing Strands Level 3 (4th grade)  This will be our first year with Writing Strands.  It is recommended by My Father's World.

Math - Right Start Math (level B and C)  I'm so excited that we've finally been able to purchase this math curriculum.

Typing - Typing Instructor for Kids

Portuguese - Timi, a Portuguese course for children

Courtney and Claire - Preschool (some planning still in progress)
-- they will also be joining us for some of Exploring Countries and Cultures, early SWR learning and some of the Right Start Math lessons/games.

I will also be doing calendar time with them but haven't found a good calendar yet or really thought that through.  That's next.  I will probably make a big calendar, weather etc. board for us to use.  I saw some great ones at Lakeshore but I hit my shopping limit early on in the trip.

We are so excited about this upcoming school year.  The girls keep asking to start but we still have much summer fun ahead of us.  We will be starting this first week of August.

I never thought that I would be able to have all of the curriculum I planned for this year.  It costs more than I had imagined to homeschool but this year just happened to have some of our bigger purchases.   I will be able to use these with the younger girls so that's a help for later years.   We are so blessed and know that it's all because of Him that we are able to homeschool our girls. 


Lisa said...

It really is a blessing to be able to homeschool. I am particularly blessed this year with borrowing a MFW curriculum package & RightStart Level D lesson book from a friend. I purchased MFW 1st grade last year on e-bay and found a RightStart Level B lesson book at a local used curriculum sale. All I had to get were the consumables.

Wow, you're starting the first week of August? I usually don't start until the end of August of first week of September. Do you take any time off during the year or do you end early?

Anna P said...

Thanks for posting on my blog. I look forward to following yours too. Your girls are so pretty! Having 4 girls is the BEST =)

Bridgett said...

Sounds & looks Awesome! Looking forward to more homeschooling posts. :)

Susana said...

Thanks for sharing all that y'all will be using in such detail. I am still trying to find something for my Jack to do. He wants to be involved but his attention span is so short right now. Trays are not his style as of it, we'll see how they go later.

Thinking on Before Five in a Row.

Susana said...

One question, I know you just wrapped up your 5K year. When you have time would you mind telling me what you used for 5K? Also, some days I feel like I am doing enough with school time for Joe and other days it seems like I'm not. Do you ever feel this way?

cooperkelly4 said...

Just popping over from your visit at my blog. I just love your blog! oh my goodness 4 sweet girls. I recgnized you from the mfw blog roll. I love that blog roll and being able to connect with similar schedules, plans, etc. =0)

Helen Lewis said...

Looks like you're all set for the next school year! Lots of work but you are very organized which makes things go smoothly for you. :)