Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 88 - a fun visit

Our friend Helen and her daughter Miriam came over this morning.  Helen is going to help us with our garden since we have no idea on how to begin.  We've done well with growing weeds but that's about it.  The girls had so much fun with sweet Miriam as Helen and I pulled weeds.  It doesn't sound like a nice thing to do with first time guests but that's what we did.  The girls are really into peanuts right now and Miriam taught the twins how to crack the shells.   It was a fun morning :)

1 comment:

Helen Lewis said...

Pulling weeds is fun! It's a habit that I have to be careful about because not everyone finds entertainment in it much as I do.:)

It was a great day of knowing you and your children a little bit more and enjoying the outdoors. We'll do it again!!!