Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 85 - conversation with caroline

Caroline:  When will I be a mommy?
Me:  Not for a long time
I'm really excited to be a mommy but, ...... well, except for one thing
What is it?
You wont be able to hold me and cuddle me
Oh, well of course I will, I'll hold you no matter what your age.
Well, you know what?  I prayed this morning that when I'm a mommy you can live close to me.
I'd love to
And you can come over and help me and be with me.
I'd love to do that Caroline.
Oh, and you know how mommys don't have that much dresses?
Well, I was thinking that when I'm a mommy maybe you and Calista could buy me some.  Or maybe we could have a date together and go to the store and buy some dresses.
We'll do that for sure.
You know, even though your mommy doesn't live near you she still loves you as much as when you were a little girl too.


knit1kids4 said...

Wow.. that made me cry. I know my Mama loves me as much, if not more than when I was a girl.

Isabel said...

It made me cry too...even though it was so sweet.

Helen Lewis said...

That is so sweet... It reminds me of the many innocent conversations I had with my children when they were little. Their minds wander beyond their age but their hearts are still anchored at home where they know love comes from.