Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Adventures update

Keeping up with updates on schooling is tougher than I imagined.  I thought this would be a great way to document our year and have it printed like a yearbook later.  I'm not really sure where I'll go with this but I do think it's a great way to stay connected with other homeschooling moms for encouragement, ideas and support.  A lot of support!  Lately I've been so busy with homeschooling that I'm behind in all areas of my life.  I feel as if I'm running all the time and I've barely left the house.  Sounds crazy, I know.

So in Adventures we've covered weeks 5, 6 and 7.  In History we've studied the Mayflower and the Pilgrims, New Netherlands and the Pioneers from Holland and the Pioneers in Michigan.  American Pioneers and Patriots remains a favorite book but there were also a few other books that stand out.  We read The Courage of Sarah Noble in one sitting because the girls were absolutely enthralled.  They played 'Sarah Noble' for a few days both with dress up clothes and with their dollhouse people.  A few others that Calista loved were Sarah Morton's Day, Samuel Eaton's Day and On the Mayflower: Voyage of the Ship's Apprentice & a Passenger Girl.  

In Science she finished her focus on the stars and universe in week 5 and we moved into the kitchen with science.  She did a few yeast experiments which helped her to discover that yeast needs sugar to grow.  She made play-dough which was perfect because I needed it for the Nest activity that day in Kindergarten.   She also made bread, which was part of Bible and our study of Jesus as the Bread of Life.    I thought it was great for her to make it herself because she's really only seen me use the bread machine.  It was a good experience for us both.  It turned out delicious and the girls devoured most of it at lunch time.

In Math Calista is working on her multiplication facts.  She is eager to master them as we move on in her Singapore book.  I was so happy (and shocked) to hear say, "I love Math!"  I nearly fell off my chair because she hasn't said anything positive about math for so long and I was beginning to fear she never would.  What a blessing! 

I definitely haven't covered everything, I know.  The past few weeks of school have seemed busier and even a little harder to me so it's all a little fuzzy now.  We have potty training x 2, constant character training, chore training and my own daily homeschool-mommy training.  I learn so much from these girlies and this time together is just so precious to me.  It's a little overwhelming sometimes, yes,  but I wouldn't trade it for anything.  


Shannon said...

This might surprise you, but it does NOT sound one bit crazy to me. You summed up exactly what I would have said. This homeschooling thing is hard, but for us there is no going back now. Most days I feel defeated and overwhelmed and at the same time I know that this is the best thing for the kids... and me. I have so much to learn and I wish it didn't have to be so hard, but it is what it is. Whew!

And the twin thing... I am not sure what is harder, but I am certain that there are twin moments that are... TWO POTTY TRAINING almost sounds like foul language. My 3 year old son actaully crawled under our school table and "wet" the floor during our school time the other day. When he is not doing that he goes in the room next door and "wets" the bedding on the kid's beds!! It is making me crazy..... and usually it is when we are busy with schooling and I am nursing the baby at the same time. Gotta love juggling it all!

I want to do a "catch-up" post, too... I just can't seem to sacrifice the time for it lately adn the holidays are looming ahead! Love your post!

Angela said...

We loved adventures. I get behind many times, sometimes I take a week off just to catch up on life and when I do I have no guilt-we are busy, don''t beat yourself up-your doing an amazing job.


Too Many Kids In The Bathtub said...

I am really enjoying reading what you have been doing in school seeing as I am using both the MFW kinder and Adventures for the older children! Keep up the good work and know that enjoying your little ones is far more important than keeping up with these school posts! I love your lap books. Do you have a certain pattern you follow? I tried to make a lap book but was not cure what to put in it. Any help would be great! If it does not take away too much time!